By his stripes we are healed jesus overcame it all
By his stripes we are healed jesus overcame it all

by his stripes we are healed jesus overcame it all

The ministry of Deeper Level Mentoring does appreciate your prayers right now as this year,and every year since COVID has been a particular strain on our finances. Not in political strains necessarily, nor in financial gain, nor and self-absorption or in self-promotion, but for the cause of Christ and him crucified! Who will be the man or woman who will rise up and Lead? Will it be you? Will you stand and be counted? Young man, young ladies, great men, great women of the faith, will you rise up and Lead? Will you stand and be counted? Will you be more than just a prayer support behind the man God is calling, for he is calling you to! I wonder who will answer the call? as for me and my house we will serve the Lord! We need to be leading in the task that is set before us. My dear sisters this applys to you as well. We all struggle we all make mistakes, I do everyday, but that doesn't stop us from rising up to be the men of God, the men He created us to be.

by his stripes we are healed jesus overcame it all by his stripes we are healed jesus overcame it all

It's time for the men of God to rise up and take their place no longer sarcome to the evil that is so prevalent in this world. The time is coming when all men will stand and have to give an account of how they LEAD. Here is a trustworthy saying: Whoever aspires to be an overseer desires a noble task. Ie phone, instagram, email, tick tock, whats app, LinkedIn, etc love yall, pa l If you want to still recieve them individually please pm me your info. Still on onsta gram working on tick tock YouTube texting and email. They will be in our fb groups and in group messages. ******** just a note these are no longer permitted to go out to my people on messenger any longer except in groups. DO you believe He is the Christ ? He is the Way The TRUTH and the LIFE no one comes to the Father but by Him.

by his stripes we are healed jesus overcame it all

Just because you say it is true doesn’t make it reality. I see it all the time however it does not work that way. We try to fit the Gospel into what we believe. So I simply leave you with the Scripture for your heart to decide. You have the knowledge now what will you do with it? I know we as believers have to approach all people with love and respect and it is everyone’s personal choice to choose Christ or not. This is the answer to the question do all paths lead to God? I am not slamming anyone or belief just stating the facts. This has now been witnessed to at the proper time. Will you?īe who he created you to be! Love you all, PAġ Timothy 2:5-6New International Version (NIV)ĥ For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, 6 who gave himself as a ransom for all people. Have you allowed yourself to be healed by his strikes did his beating carry anyway for you does the crucifixion hold any resurrection for you? Make a change this season to live for him the best you can give Christ is to live for him. The Earth shook and anger because of the father looking down on his son From top to bottom which meant that God would now dwell with his people forever in their hearts. He was taken to the top of the hill called galgafa or the place of the skull where he was nailed to a cross they're in front of everyone. Since his arrest Jesus was beaten brutally and senselessly he appeared before a pilot so bloody was the beatings that they had any life barely left in him that was up until 6 PM this evening 2024 years ago. The punishment that brought us peace was on him,Īnd so it began. But he was pierced for our transgressions,

By his stripes we are healed jesus overcame it all